Friday, March 11, 2022

Was Hitler indeed a Good Man?


Was Hitler indeed a Good Man?
Adolf Hitler has a history of the world that can never be forgotten.
Adolf Hitler is a black history about which you must have heard or read something. By now
everything you have heard about Hitler will be his evil, but today we are giving such information
about Hitler which is good, not his evil.
Goodness of Hitler
Hitler was also a good man with long will power. The rich of charismatic forces had to think of their
people. This is proved by the fact that Hitler not only led the war but he also led the anti-smoking
campaign. Hitler was very much addicted to smoking, but in 1919 he not only gave up smoking but
also stopped smoking in his state.
Hitler was conscious about the health of his Germans, so he organized several campaigns against
smoking. Hitler once led an anti-smoking campaign with 20 German women.
In 1939, Hitler ordered the scientists to research the harm caused by smoking.
Since Hitler's move, almost all the countries of the world are working at their level for smoking.
Even today the whole world is carrying forward this mission of Hitler.
Adolf Hitler had already discovered what concerns the countries of the world later. From this, it can
be judged how far-sighted Hitler was
Hitler is a democratic person
● Hitler had reached here after fighting elections, in which he was democratic.
A supporter of keeping the body healthy
● During Hitler's time, the youth needed to exercise.
Employ all
● There was unemployment in Germany before Hitler came. Hitler emphasized certain areas.
Military sector
● The recruitment of new soldiers and the manufacture of weapons and tanks on a large scale
brought employment, as well as the production of steel 3 times in a few months.
● New roads, schools, hospitals, new buildings such as the introduction of infrastructure projects
brought a lot of employment.
Olympic event
● Hitler organized the grand Olympics of his time, he will also consider in no time, we are not able
to organize such events even today
● People got heavy employment from this Olympics too
For farmers
● At the time of Hitler, the growth rate of farming was 20 percent, so Hitler's support among the
farmers was excessive.
Hitler may have taken away independence from the people of Germany, but also gave employment
and economic equality, which caused the people of Germany to die for him.
Why Hitler was made a villain
● In a democracy, the leaders had to hide their drain, in such a short time, if the public knew about
Hitler's rejuvenation of his country's people in such a short time, then it would have been difficult
for the leaders to escape from power.
Certainly. You can’t govern for 12 years and not do something good. Things that come to mind are
the following:
Animal rights were improved.
The old, hereditary elites lost power, and Germany became more meritocratic. This contributed to
the fact that Bonn worked better than Weimar.
Some social programs: For most people in the 1920s vacations were something rich people did.
Then with “Kraft durch Freude” ordinary workers could board a ship and go to Norway or through
the Baltic sea, or buy a special, reduced train ticket to see the Alps.
Highways and the economical recovery are not due to Hitler. The plans for building highways were
formed before he rose to power, and the recovery is partly due to fraud (The biggest one was the
“Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft”, which had 1 million capital, but secured 11.9 billions of
credit, which was used to pay for armament), partly to a Keynesian approach, and partly to lower
salaries obtained by destroying independent unions. The Keynesian part was not Hitler’s idea, who
apparently had no economical ideas at all.
Fest wrote that if the assassination attempt in 1938 would have succeeded, most Germans would
have thought that they had lost their greatest politician in a long time. This is probably true, but as
Haffner noted, it would have taken them only weeks to learn how wrong they were. Still history
would have judged him no worse than Trujillo, Franco, Pinochet and many other dictators. Only
after 1940 all of the monster became visible.
He liked animals and was a pioneer in enacting laws to prevent and prosecute cruelty against
animals. Animal welfare in Nazi Germany
He was an anti smoker, and was a pioneer in enacting anti-smoking laws. Anti-tobacco movement
in Nazi Germany
He was instrumental in founding Volkswagen
, which literally means "people's car", with the idea of coming up with a low priced and affordable
German version of the Model-T for the masses. The cute VW Beetle owes a lot to der Fuhrer.
The Autobahn, initially Reichsautobahn
, also owes a lot to Hitler.
If his sensitivity had extended to humans/ if it wasn't for the rabid racism, genocide, aggression,
wars, atrocities, and millions of deaths, Hitler might have gone down in history as an enlightened
and decent duffer.
Germany hosting the first public television station and televising the 1936 Olympics. One of the
things not mentioned where Hitler was right was that he started the tradition of Olympic runners
carrying the torch to the Olympic stadium and lighting the Olympic torch. While people forget the
origins of this tradition, Hitler started it as a marketing tool for Germany.
When Hitler took over Germany, the country was in a deep depression like much of the world. The
banks had failed; there was high unemployment; there was much licentiousness; there was
increasing agitation between the Communists and the Fascists and the Republicans and so on. Hitler
put people to work on massive public works projects; his conservative principles stated that women
belonged in the home and therefore stripped them of the right to work in many jobs. This
immediately allowed him to report rapid reductions in the unemployment rate, a cynical ploy to
convince people he was doing something good. But eventually, the “self-sufficiency” program put
many everyone to work and jobs are the Number One item that make people of any nation feel good
about the future. Of course, many of Hitler’s projects were either make-work projects or designed to
prepare the country for war, but they had the “right” aspect of putting people to work and giving
them pride.
One of the major “right” things Hitler did was replace the worthless mark with the Riechmark, a
new currency. By doing this and abrogating debt he was able to revalue the currency and whip
inflation. Many countries, such as Argentina in the early 2000s have used the same method to kill
inflation and revalue their currency after going broke. Hitler bet that the world would have no
stomach to force the repayment of the due war reparations and he was right. Freed of that burden he
gave Germany new pride and made the currency valuable again. He didn’t invent this mechanism
but he used it effectively and with bravado.
Hitler was an advocate for children. He wanted to make sure that all children got the best education
and put in many programs for children. It included a healthy dose of indoctrination and propaganda
but it educated children and got them healthy. A primary part of the education was physical fitness
and the Germans set up many competitions and gave out lots of medals to children for their
accomplishments. Hitler was a fan of Napoleon when he said, “I can get men to die for a little piece
of ribbon” and the Germans were fond of decorations for accomplishment. So this started early. The
children were schooled, fed and trained. Even JFK implemented a similar program in the 1960s
called the “President’s Physical Fitness Challenge” where patches were given to elementary school
students accomplished a certain regimen. German children went from listless, malnourished and
frightened creatures to strong, healthy Hitler Youth who proved during the war capable of stopping
the Soviet advances into Berlin with Panzerfausts. Of course, many, many of these children died
horrible deaths.
As part of the self-sufficiency program, Hitler (under Goering) required that most industrial tooling
and resource procurement be done within the borders of Germany, even if it was cheaper to go
outside the country. Hitler was setting the country up to be able to survive blockades in war but the
effect was to accelerate technological development and improve the extraction of resources,
primarily coal and iron ore, and stockpile it against future needs (such as for tanks and ships). This
also helped with the unemployment since everything possible had to be built in Germany more
factories sprang up to build more home-grown stuff. Consider in the US, for example, the XL
pipeline that the Republicans are screaming about. All of the pipe for the program comes for India
and is made of inferior steel. Had the Republicans been able to required American pipe made of
American steel they might have won a few people over to their side. As it is, the Indian pipe blows
leaks frequently. By forcing iron ore to be mined in Germany and smelted in Germany he forced up
prices, since Swedish ore and iron was much, much cheaper, but he also was able to build huge
factories and redundant mining systems that would pay off during the war. At the same time, the
Germans were still importing significant cheap iron from Sweden and things they couldn’t get from
Germany, such as Manganese, which is critical in the production of weapons grade steel.
Another thing Hitler implemented which was right was the “Strength through Joy” program where
people, who now had jobs, also had rights to vacations, often subsidized by the government, along
the new Autobahns which put people to work (at poor wages but, hey) so they could get to vacation
spots in cultured parks, forests and museums developed and supported by the Third Reich. These
programs were extremely popular and Germans love the outdoors
and hiking and many people took advantage of these trips.
Hitler was right about using popular media as a tool for pushing nationalist propaganda disguised as
entertainment. The German film industry, the UFA, made many patriotic films at Babelsburg, the
German equivalent of Hollywood, where they developed their own stars, techniques and story lines
mostly centered around German supremacy, victory, the evils of Bolshevism and so on. As movies
like “Casablanca” were entertainment but also patriotic propaganda in America so were the movies
made by Goebbels. He was making propaganda right up til the end of the war, the last movie being
made, “Kolberg”, a forced Napoleonic epic where the Germans win against overwhelming odds.
While real armies were fighting and dying around them in early 1945, thousands of people were
involved in the making of this costume epic with papier-mache cannons and wooden rifles. By then,
the country was devastated and almost no one saw the movie anyway. But using the mechanism as
an insidious way to manipulate people’s minds is no different than anything Hollywood does today
with movies like “Taken” and “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit”. However, nothing like Jason Bourne
could ever have been made unless the enemy were Bolsheviks. The Germans were very strict about
“good” and “evil” in order to make their nationalistic propaganda work. The movie “Triumph of the
Will” so scared the American government that it was banned in America.
Hitler could not have continued doing these things indefinitely. The country was being run on
Keynesian overspending which brought it back to prosperity but to keep it going Hitler had to
strong arm the bankers and blackmail the industrialists to perform his will. Eventually, the entire
thing would have collapsed in a heap the way the Soviet Union did in the 1990s because there
would be too much interest to pay and not enough money to keep ahead of the debt but the war preempted
those issues and strict currency control helped maintain the fiction of German solvency
right up til the end of the war.


*People have to look into matter/events in macro and micro both ways relatively depending upon
the context.*

Walking on the street with the speed of 5 km/hour is our perception but on the basis of what ??
The speed is 5 Kmh surely if an observer is standing on earth.
If the observer is on geostationary orbit the speed would be 1,600+5 Kmh, if he is away from earth's influence it would be 1,08,000+5 Kmh.
If the observer is farther away on Mars, the speed will be relative to the motion of Mars and so on so forth.
If the observer is much farther away in different solar system, for him the speed will be relative to the motion of solar systems. And hence there will be a huge difference in relative speeds.
As we see everything is to be considered as relative, how Macro and Micro level help us to understand things clearly and aid us to take wise and pristine decision.
If I am positioned at moon and only consider the speed of a man walking on the earth in calculation of his position, this would be of no use for me. I won't be able to reach him if I only consider man's walking speed at earth (5 km). To calculate clear position I need to consider earth's relative motion with respect to the moon along with the actual walking speed. Similarly, we need to apply Macro and Micro observance adroitly on various matters as per the requirement, in order to get correct results. Generally, our common sense do this thing for us without
even giving us second thought on routine basis. 

For an example, when we see an insect on our food, we usually avoid that food and throw that in the garbage, but what if we are given a Microscope to watch the microbial. Will We abhor our food and permanently abstinate ourselves from food??
No, we have to perceive things differently, and this is why we see people perceiving things/matters differently depending upon several factors.
Many of us believe that Hitler was an evil man, he was evil to the entire society. This is true to our relation, and hence we have made a perception which helped us all to make a combined decision that Hitler and his Nazism was pernicious for society and we suppressed this ideology vehemently.
But was this really hold truth in others perception? How about a blonde ?
To him Nazism, idolize him like a God, promise many salutary benefits, make him feel like heaven on earth? The theory was not at all bad for him. A blonde can live his life happily as ever without a minute problem ever created by Nazism or Hitler. (Relative perception) Similarly, for any other animal on the earth the Nazism had no effect. Even if a buffalo had contemplating mind, it would had no adverse thought about Nazism because Nazism had no effect on him.
Similarly, Nazism had no role in the life of a crocodile. (Relative perception)
Let us assume an ancient alien race, which has been watching us from afar. ? ? To this Nazism is just another human ideology which they have had seen numerous times in past too. This Nazism had no value for them on larger contexts. (Macro level)
But There is not slightest doubt that Nazism was dangerous to the existence of non-blonde i.e.Asians, Africans, Semitic, Mangoloid etc.
Thus, in our case Nazism was really dangerous for Majority, therefore it was suppressed. In similar fashion, we may also mull over such type of ideologies on Macro and Micro level depending upon relative contexts.
The problem occurs sometimes when we become so confused that we are unable to apply right perception in right context and hence fail to reach any decision.

Below example may help exemplify the matter
Suppose origin of Islam and coming of Muhammad as new prophet in Arab had profound affect on local population, it united and electrified Arab world. In relation to the Arab prospect, it was wonderful event and one must applaud such event. The phenomenon suddenly put Arab race from the classification of nomads to a great civilization. But on the other hand, Arab hordes propelled by Islamic doctrinal fuel, devastated entire known Asia/European kingdoms, obliterated numerous societies and civilizations, ideologies and cultures.

What were the perception of those under subjugation, trepidation???

Obviously, BAD.

Even after long centuries of 1,400 years, those outside of Arab faith still perceive Islam as an evil force virulent to their own faith.

In such case how should we see Islam?

What should be the perception we should keep for Islam?

Like Nazism, Islam is wonderful for its Muslim followers, neutral for other animals, even neutral for any Extra Terrestrials but like Nazism, it is also evil for a larger society which is growing less in number as we fail to categorize this issue.
So do we need to go for what majority think about Islam because, many of us will be dangling in between Macro and Micro perception while Islam will continue to do what it suppose to do, unremittingly.